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Computer Personality Solving Crime

After I had read several alternative history novels, I began to get tired of the detail and wanted something different. I like Sci-Fi, so I went to the library and browsed that section. I didn't find anything that looked good, so I looked at the mystery section. I had never read a mystery. I like watching them on TV. One particular book caught my attention - Access Denied by Donna Andrews. I checked it out from the library and fell in love with the story and the concept.

What makes this series wonderful is that the main character isn't even human. No, she's not alien in the extraterrestial sense, either. Turing Hopper is an Artificial Intelligence Program (abbreviated AIP throughout the series), which means that she is basically a computer program, a supped-up EXE file. The nature of her existence is even more intricate than what she is but what she has developed into. Somewhere along the way she gained sentience. She has feelings like a human ... or so she thinks. She tends to think like a computer but endeavors to emulate humans. This creates interesting situations.

The only problem was I wasn't reading the first book in the series. I was reading the third book. So, if you would like to read the series, I would suggest that you start with the first book, You've Got Murder. I'm finishing up the series right now with book number two. I read them in this order: 3, 1, 4, 2. I know. I'm kinda weird. That's OK. I'm looking forward to book number five.

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